Besides our line of all-metal-catalyst products, CPI is a leading supplier of ceramic supported catalyst products. These products, including bead and monolith formulations, are used in a variety catalytic oxidizer and reactor systems. Choose from the following formulations for VOC, CO, NOx, or other air toxics reductions.
Ceramic Formulations are used in a variety of applications. Some of which can be summarized below:
Poison Resistance: Offers resistance to many common industrial inhibitors
Low Temperature: Provides high destruction rates at lower temperatures than other formulations
Chlorine Resistance: Provides high destruction rates, even in the presence of halogenated organics
Air Purification: Provides outstanding removal of a variety of toxics such as Ozone, CO, Ammonia and Amines, and NOx
Ceramic Formulations
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Get in touch with an expert today and learn how ceramic formulations may be the right fit for your business.