Aftermarket Services for Thermal Oxidizer, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Catalytic Oxidizer

CPI's Single Source Commitment to Enable Clean Production™

Ensuring the up-time reliability of our oxidizers is a key priority for Catalytic Products International in order to ensure our customers can operate their processing and manufacturing equipment.  Emphasizing our single source commitment for every customer is the underlying attitude within CPI's Parts and Services Group. 

CPI is proud to offer a variety of services to keep your operation compliant and profitable:


Catalyst Products

Custom catalysts and catalyst retrofit systems and services for VOC, CO, and NOx. 


Repair, Retrofit and Rebuild Services

Thermal Oxidizers operate under severe conditions. Retrofits can improve safety and lower operating costs.


RTO Rebuilds and RTO Ceramic Media Change

RTO maintenance is important for VOC destruction performance and minimized operating cost. 


Combustion Upgrades and Optimization

CPI has the experience to upgrade your combustion system to meet any NOx or CO emission need.

Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Maintenance

Thermal Oxidizer Maintenance

Catalytic Oxidizer Maintenance

Oxidizer Spare Parts

Process and equipment optimization audits

Servicing all oxidizer brand, makes, models, and types of oxidizers

  • Expertise across thermal oxidizer, regenerative thermal oxidizer, catalytic oxidizer, recuperative thermal oxidizer, direct fired thermal oxidizer.
  • Oxidizer service
  • RTO service

On-Site Services through our local service network

Installation, Commissioning, Training Services


CPI's Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) Preventative Maintenance White Paper illustrates how a properly designed and implemented Preventative Maintenance program provides uptime reliability, cost savings and continuous EPA compliance.

Learn More About Oxidizer Maintenance by viewing the following video: 





For Personalized, Expert Service.


Frequently Asked Oxidizer Questions

Are regular maintenance tasks time consuming?
No. The daily items are visual checks. Monthly items are draining sensing lines. The semiannual items are typically checking the spark igniter and leak testing the gas train. The annual is the most time consuming by entering into the oxidizer to inspect the interior.
What is catalyst poisoning?
Poisoning in your catalyst occurs when some substance in your air stream, such as silicone or an oil, reacts with your catalyst and forms a bond with it rather than releasing back to the air stream. The bond covers the precious metal and prevents further exposure to the incoming air stream. Other substances my simply mask your catalyst by sticking to it or coating it. These substances can be “washed” to rejuvenate your catalyst. Poisoning or masking in your catalyst causes a risk of non-compliance.
How often should I change my thermocouples?
It is recommended that thermocouples be changed annually to ensure correct temperature measurement.
Can I clean my U.V. scanner while the oxidizer is in operation?
No, removing the U.V. scanner during normal operation will cause the flame safety to lose its flame signal and shut the oxidizer down.
How often do I need to maintain the oxidizer?
There are daily, monthly, semi and annual items to perform to keep your system in performing its best.
Are there ideal times of the year to perform the annual or semiannual inspections?
Yes and No. It is always good to get on a schedule and keep to that schedule. But in the Northern climates where the weather conditions change drastically, it is a good time to perform the semi and/or annual in the spring and fall.
Are regular maintenance items something the end user can perform or do we need CPI onsite to perform these?
The daily, monthly and semiannual inspections are typically done by the end user. The annual is performed by CPI. We are trained for confined space entry and know what to look for inside the oxidizer.
Is the interior of the oxidizer designated as “confined space”?
Yes. By OSHA Standards the interior is designated as confined space. All CPI technicians are confined space trained to enter an oxidizer.
My oxidizer no longer achieves enough temperature to run process to it. What can cause this?
First ensure there are no changes in gas flow and pressure. If these are correct, this is a good indication that the gas control valve actuator is faulty. This item can be tested via the maintenance page to ensure it travels completely from 0-100%.
Is the “media” in a catalytic oxidizer the same as the “media” in a regenerative thermal oxidizer?
The media is very different, and performs completely different functions. They may sometimes look similar, but a catalytic media actually performs a chemical reaction on the substances in your airstream, reducing HAPS and VOCs to CO2, Nitrogen, O2, and water. The media in an RTO is a heat sink, and does not remove harmful substances from air. In an RTO, the temperature in the combustion chamber is what causes the VOCs to oxidize. The media is used as a means of pre-heating the air coming into the oxidizer to reduce the use of your support fuel.
How can I determine if a pressure switch is operating correctly?
You can perform a continuity check between the common and normally open terminals. You should have no continuity in a resting state, and then if you apply a light pressure to the high pressure side of the switch, you should then close the switch and have continuity between the terminals.
Why am I not getting a delta T (or temperature rise) across my catalyst bed?
This is a good indication that you have inactive catalyst from either masking or poisoning.
I am getting a combustion air blower pressure switch fault when I start the oxidizer. What can cause this?
You could have a faulty motor starter causing the fan to not start. If the fan is starting you could have a faulty pressure switch, or insufficient air pressure to close the pressure switch.
Why am I having flame loss?
Your UV scanner may be dirty or burned out. The scanner tube could be blocked with debris, or the low fire setting is set too low.
Why is my main gas shutoff valve failing to close?
Either your limit switch has failed or needs to be adjusted. You could have a faulty valve or check power and wire terminations.
Why am I getting high duct pressure switch faults?
You may have clogged sensing lines, a bad switch, dampers upstream may not be operating properly, or your main process fan may not be operating properly.
Why is there a layer of guard bed on top of my catalyst?
Guard bed is a sacrificial layer of media designed to catch contaminants before going across the active catalyst.
Why am I getting a flame safety fault?
Either your UV scanner is dirty, pilot valve is closed, you may have no spark (view from siteport) or the pilot pressure is too high or low.
Why am I getting a pressure blower disconnect fault?
The disconnect may be in the off position, the auxiliary contact may have failed or there could be loose wiring.
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