An electric catalytic oxidizer (CatOx) utilizes an electric heating system to eliminate burner generated NOx and CO2 emissions. This flameless, electrically heated oxidizer is an ideal option for VOC control and removal that achieves the same destruction rates in a more sustainable way.
The CPI VECTOR-e Catalytic Oxidizer substitutes the standard natural (propane) gas combustion system with an electric heating module. As a result there are no combustion products of natural gas and no formation of NOx.
The Electric Recuperative Catalytic Oxidizer (ERCO) combines a low temperature oxidation catalyst, our unique primary heat exchanger, and a long lasting heating element all in a convenient integrated package. These systems are easy to install, provide high VOC removal efficiency, and offer low operating costs. With zero moving parts in the reactor the Catalytic Oxidizer provides the highest uptime reliability and long equipment life.
Electric Recuperative Catalytic Oxidizer (ERCO) systems represent a cost-effective air pollution control alternative. When compared to thermal oxidation, their lower operating temperatures (400°F - 650°F) reduce operating costs and extend equipment life. Each is designed and fabricated for your specific application, and each system utilizes materials and metallurgy that will afford the highest performance, longest life, and economical cost of ownership.
The Catalytic Oxidation Process starts by incorporating a booster fan to draw VOC-laden exhaust from your process into the system. The VOC laden exhaust is directed to our unique stainless steel primary air-to-air heat exchanger where energy from the exhaust of the oxidizer is used to preheat the incoming process air before passing over the electrical heating element. The primary heat exchanger can actually eliminate the auxiliary heating required for operation.
The electric Catalytic Oxidizer utilizes an electric heating element to precisely maintain the desired catalyst inlet temperature. The heating element is designed to provide even heating of the exhaust gases prior to entering the catalyst bed. This innovative design provides the highest degree of high-velocity mixing, leading to airflow and temperature uniformity for which CPI's Catalytic Oxidizers are known.
The pre-heated exhaust stream then enters the catalyst bed and reacts with the specially selected catalysts where an exothermic reaction occurs, leading to complete combustion of the VOCs. The VECTOR Catalytic Oxidizer can be designed for use with several different styles of catalyst; Monolith Elements and Pourable Beads are the most common types of catalyst. The oxidation of hydrocarbons (VOCs) typically results in carbon dioxide, water, and useable heat. The catalyst induced oxidation level for most VOC's occurs at temperatures between 400 F and 650 F. This is sufficient to achieve conversion of VOC/HAP pollutants in excess of 99%.
VECTOR Catalytic Oxidizers meet today's environmental challenges by using the most cost effective manufacturing techniques to bring to industry reliable pollution control systems that offer lower capital costs, simplified installations, and minimal maintenance. Building the experience gained since its formation in 1969, CPI can replace the gas burner in a traditional Catalytic Oxidizer with an electric heating element.
Integrating all the major components into one unitized system saves on field installations, improves reliability, and lowers the overall costs for air compliance. The VECTOR System utilizes only the highest quality components. From the all stainless steel mixing and combustion chamber, the heavy-duty, all stainless steel heat exchanger, the specialized electric heating system, to the catalyst system, each component is contained within a well insulated, maintenance-free exterior designed for long life and low costs.
Catalyst is selected based on the ability to provide the highest performance and longest life. The catalyst choices can include precious metal group metals on a monolith support, or a pourable bead. Each group offers individual benefits for each application. Monolith catalyst groups are used for general industrial applications or for specialized . emissions.
For beaded catalyst products, poison-resistant catalyst provides resistance to many common contaminates, while low temperature formulations allow minimal fuel input.
An integrated electrical heating element replaces the gas or oil combustion system. This flameless design is especially useful for smaller sized oxidizers and applications that require hazardous ratings or are not supported by gas fuel products. Electrically heated oxidizer systems are also available for retrofit applications to replace burners.
The VECTOR System is fabricated entirely of stainless steel alloys designed to prevent embrittlement and fatigue. The entire unit is continuously welded to eliminate hydrocarbon leakage and provide the highest uptime reliability. All the interior components are fully insulated with a high quality lining system designed to reduce heat losses for continued energy savings.
Catalytic Products International
Phone: 847.438.0334
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