The TCS Thermal Combustor Systems operates in a different fashion. There are effectively two burners in the system. The support burner, which acts as a Pilot system, is a fully modulated burner that controls the temperature of the combustion chamber. At startup, the support burner ignites and begins to heat the chamber. There is a small combustion air blower on the burner to support good combustion of the support fuel, and to encourage flame propagation.
Once the combustion chamber reaches the operating temperature, a valve opens the second burner to the primary (waste gas) stream. This burner fires across the support burner, which is the ignition source. As the temperature from increased combustion rises in the combustion chamber, a louvered vent opens near the bottom of the oxidizer. Natural draft draws in enough fresh air to support good combustion, and to quench the high temperature flame from the primary fuel, maintaining combustion chamber temperature. This combustion air stream is precisely modulated to only input the exact amount of air necessary to provide near stoichiometric operation, and is introduced into the specially designed burner housing. The combination of waste gas and combustion air will then travel through the primary burner gas ring and then into the burner chamber. Once temperature is maintained, the support fuel can be shut off.
Though the primary fuel is ignited through the burner, combustion chamber temperature is still important, as not all the VOCs in the gas stream will be fully destroyed in the burner flame. The additional residence time at temperature ensures the guaranteed destruction rate specified for the system.
Introducing a very rich hydrocarbon off gas stream through a burner as a fuel is a far safer and dependable method of combustion than mixing the gas into a heated combustion chamber as you would with a Thermal Oxidizer.
One of the key design features of The Thermal Combustor System is that the process management does not require the use of complicated and slow reacting LEL measurement equipment. Combustion air is precisely metered based on maintaining a combustion chamber temperature. This simple innovation allows for fast response to fluctuating process gas streams, consistent and accurate fuel use, use of process fuel only when sufficient values are delivered, and lower capital, installation, and maintenance costs by eliminating the LEL systems.
The complete system is supplied as an internally insulated vessel, designed to keep heat inside and limit shell growth. The internally insulated design maintains all expansion properties for long life, and lowers the installation costs since the system is pre-assembled, piped, and wired. No other system in the industry can meet the advantages found in the Thermal Combustor System.
Catalytic Products International
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