CPI designs each VECTOR Catalytic Oxidizer based on the exact needs of your application. With nearly 45 years of catalyst manufacturing as a basis of our expertise, you can be assured that your VECTOR Catalytic Oxidizer will be designed with the most appropriate catalyst product for your needs. The VECTOR Catalytic Oxidizer is economically applied to a wide range of industrial processes. The VECTOR Catalytic Oxidizer combines a low temperature oxidation catalyst, our unique primary heat exchanger, and an efficient combustion system all in a convenient integrated package. These systems are easy to install, provide very high removal efficiency, and offer very low operating cost. With zero moving parts in the reactor, the VECTOR Catalytic Oxidizer provides the highest uptime reliability
Catalytic treatment of VOC's and other air pollutants works by reacting the harmful air pollutants over a specially designed catalyst where VOC's are converted to CO2, water vapor (H2O), and usable heat. These harmless byproducts are passed through a heat exchanger where the gas streams energy is transferred to the incoming exhaust.
Catalytic Products International
Phone: 847.438.0334
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