CPI Installs RTO at Flavoring & Extract Mfg for VOC Control

    Catalytic Products International (CPI) recently completed the installation of a new TRITON Series Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) at a manufacturer of flavorings, extracts and essences for the abatement of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and odors. 

    During the manufacturing of flavor and color solutions significant emissions of VOCs and odors are released into the environment.  While the compounds creating the offensive odors may not be in sufficient concentrations to present a health risk, they can diminish the quality of life for the surrounding community.  A Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) was selected as the most effective and cost-efficient option to ensure the destruction of the VOCs and the odor causing compounds from the production phases of this manufacturing process.

    CPI RTO Flavoring Indoor Install a

    The new 8,000 SCFM TRITON-8.95 Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) will control VOC emissions from two (2) ingredient spray dryers.  The RTO system will destroy VOC emissions with 98% destruction rate efficiency or to a lower limit of 30 ppm volume as C1 at a thermal efficiency of 95%.  Due to space constraints around the property, the RTO was installed inside the building.  Each spray dryer was enclosed in a dedicated room to isolate the specific process formulation being developed.  The additional benefit is the dedicated rooms created a permanent total enclosure (PTE), with a duct collection system routing the process air to the RTO.

    Thermal treatment of VOCs and other air pollutants works by a simple reaction of the harmful hydrocarbon-based air pollutants with oxygen and heat. In this environment, the VOCs are chemically oxidized to form harmless inert by-products like CO2, water vapor (H2O), and usable heat. These harmless by-products are released to the atmosphere or used within primary or secondary energy recovery techniques to further lower the operational cost.

    The Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) system incorporates specialized ceramic media in the regenerator (heat transfer bed) to allow thermal efficiencies up to 97%.  RTOs operate by preheating the process air as it passes upward through the first ceramic heat exchange media. This pre-heated air then exits the heat exchange media and enters a combustion chamber where it is heated to the setpoint temperature and oxidization of the VOC’s is completed at greater than 98% efficiency.  The resultant hot, clean air stream is then passed downward through the second ceramic heat exchange media bed where it is cooled before being released to the atmosphere.

    Flavoring Duct Roof

    CPI provided engineering, design and supply of the TRITON-Series Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO).  In addition, CPI provided engineering information including point loading data for the RTO onto a customer provided foundation located inside the facility, as well as damper and ductwork design, startup, commissioning and operator training.

    CPI worked closely with the end user customer along with their preferred general construction contractor and subcontractors.  CPI provided on-site and in-office support to ensure coordination and compliance with the designed bid specifications.  CPI was able to complete a good portion of the installation activities before the new unit arrived on site.  This approach guaranteed that entire system was installed correctly, and the facility was back up and producing product with minimal downtime.

    Since 1969 CPI has been providing industry leading flavoring and fragrance manufacturers with solutions to their air pollution control needs.  

    Today, CPI partners with its customers as a trusted resource in resolving the most complex air pollution and energy conservation problems. We provide our customers with innovative and cost-conscious solutions to their most complex VOC, NOx, and Odor pollution challenges. Our equipment is also at work meeting energy conservation strategies and minimizing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

    Topics: Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, News, Flavoring and Fragrance, Blog, Installation, Spray Dryer

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