Permanent Total Enclosure Posts

    CPI Installs RTO at Construction Materials Manufacturer

    Catalytic Products International (CPI) installed a 22,000 SCFM Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) at a Northeastern USA construction materials manufacturer for the abatement of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).

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    Topics: Air Pollution Control, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Blog, Emissions Capture, Permanent Total Enclosure

    Controlling Fugitive Emissions

    Fugitive emissions, in their simplest form, are the uncontrolled release of gases to the atmosphere. Each one of us may contribute fugitive emissions when we fill our automobile gas tanks. The displacement of air inside the gas tank causes gasoline vapor emissions (hydrocarbons) to exit out the fill spout (un-controlled) to the atmosphere. Some states require the use of "Vapor Recovery" nozzles which capture the vapor emissions, returning them to the underground gasoline tanks. The vapors then become liquid again, reducing the "loss" of gasoline, as well as removing hydrocarbons from the air, which means less air pollution. 

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    Topics: Air Pollution Control, VOC Emissions, Blog, Emissions Capture, Consultants, Permanent Total Enclosure

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