Catalytic Products International (CPI) rebuilt a QUADRANT SR- 8,500 SCFM Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer used for the control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) at a Midwest USA resin-coating facility.
Catalytic Products International (CPI) rebuilt a QUADRANT SR- 8,500 SCFM Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer used for the control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) at a Midwest USA resin-coating facility.
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Maintenance and Repairs, Thermal Oxidizer, Blog, Rebuild, Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer
Catalytic Products International (CPI) recently assisted a longtime customer by upgrading the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and HMI (Human Machine Interface) Operator Control Interfaces for a 5,000 SCFM Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) originally installed in 2005.
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Maintenance and Repairs, Blog, Rebuild
Posted by Jan Carlson
May 5, 2020 10:15:00 AM
Catalytic Products International (CPI) recently completed the rebuild of a CPI QUADRANT SR-13,000 SCFM Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer at a Southern USA animal health and nutrition company for the abatement of odors, VOCs and ammonia from the animal feed manufacturing process.
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Maintenance and Repairs, Environmental and Regulatory, News, Blog, Rendering
Posted by Jan Carlson
Jan 30, 2019 10:00:00 AM
Catalytic Products International (CPI) recently completed the rebuild of a CPI QUADRANT SR- 48,000 SCFM Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer at an Eastern USA metal coil coater for the control of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Topics: Maintenance and Repairs, VOC Emissions, Thermal Oxidizer, Metal Decorating, Heat Exchanger, Coil Coating, Rebuild, Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer
Keeping your air pollution control equipment properly maintained is essential for meeting regulatory requirements and efficient operation. Here on the CPI blog, we regularly share tips on maintaining your systems.
Topics: Maintenance and Repairs, Blog
Posted by Jason Emond, Service Manager
Oct 20, 2017 10:27:14 AM
As the seasons change, it is time to begin planning for shut-down maintenance of your air pollution control equipment. There is a delicate balance between scheduled downtime and plant up-time reliability. Major shutdown work is intended to support maintenance efforts carried out until the next major shutdown, including minor downtime repairs. Many industrial customers will schedule downtime for their operations during the end of year holidays or in the Summer, leading to the service technician calendar getting filled up for both the on-site maintenance teams, as well as the skilled technical experts available from the OEM equipment manufacturers.
Topics: Maintenance and Repairs, Blog
“What just happened?” – a phase all too often heard when equipment is not working the way it is supposed to. A glitch in the system? Power surge? Or maybe a small modification in your production was made. Could that have caused the current problem? You're responsible for getting the equipment operational as fast as possible.
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Maintenance and Repairs, Blog
Recent natural weather events are causing damage across the globe. The 2017 huricane season (June 1st through November 30th) has the potenital to be extremely active with five tropical storms and six huricanes. Wildfires are racing though the Western United States and Canada.
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Maintenance and Repairs, Thermal Oxidizer, Community, Blog
Keeping your air pollution control equipment properly maintained is essential for meeting regulatory requirements and efficient operation. Here on the CPI blog, we regularly share tips on maintaining your systems, which requires replacing components on a yearly basis. Today, we're taking a closer look at the importance of replacing Ultraviolet Flame Detectors (UV Scanners).
Topics: Maintenance and Repairs, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Thermal Oxidizer, Catalytic Oxidizer, Blog
Keeping air pollution control equipment properly maintained is essential for meeting regulatory requirements and efficient operation. Here on the CPI blog, we regularly share tips on maintaining your systems, which requires replacing components on a yearly basis. Today we're taking a closer look at the importance of replacing thermocouples (T/C).
Topics: Maintenance and Repairs, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Thermal Oxidizer, Catalytic Oxidizer, Blog
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