How to qualify for over $100,000 in utility rebates by installing new oxidizer


    Performing an Energy Assessment

    A web coating company contacted us to repair, yet again, an existing recuperative thermal oxidizer. Catalytic Products Design Engineers sat down with the customer to discuss their current process and as well as their future needs along with performing an energy assessment. The outcome of this review indicated that  significant savings could be recognized by replacing the Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer with a new Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO).

    Read our case study for more details.

    Catalytic Products has partnered with energySMART (a NICOR Gas program) to provide energy efficiency recommendations to business owners. We identify simple solutions to optimize your energy use and boost your bottom line, so you can stay focused on your goal: managing and growing your business. 

    After the assessment, Catalytic Products submits a customized report that provides you with a prioritized, actionable plan for saving energy and reducing operating costs for your thermal processing equipment.  This can include coating line dryers, ovens, reactor processes, boilers, and VOC Abatement Equipment or other Air Pollution Control Equipment. 

    A secondary assessment may include the energySMART advisor who can provide expert energy conservation assessments and audits that will focus on other portions of your plant such as: faucet aerators, pre-rinse spray valves, showerheads and salon sprayers. Eligible small businesses may also receive pipe insulation, water heater temperature setback and even programmable thermostats.

    Determining your Return on Investment

    Any company considering an update to their air pollution control equipment (or any gas consuming device) should look into gas utility rebate programs. Catalytic Products has built relationships across the country with utility companies and environmental firms to help identify the funding rebate potential.  Beyond the available rebates and credits the many utilities offer, the fundamental return on investment (ROI) can be significant. 

    Not only do you need to consider the capital cost of any investment as it relates to ROI, but these days in our “Green Economy” you also need to understand the benefits of new or modified equipment on your carbon footprint. To help more operators understand the impact of energy conservation equipment, we’ve created this  GreenHouse Gas (GHG) calculator to determine the ROI of a new or replacement oxidizer (regenerative thermal oxidizer, catalytic oxidizer, recuperative thermal oxidizer), VOC Abatement or energy recovery system, both in terms of financial savings and Greenhouse Gas emission reductions.

    CPI Regenerative Thermal OxidizerThe included case study highlights a recent success story where we partnered with energySMART to assist our customer in obtaining all available gas rebates as a result of installing new, energy efficient air pollution control equipment.  The project has substantial merit on its own standing.  Replacing an aged thermal oxidizer with highly innovative new Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer  (RTO)technology offers a ROI in just under 30 months - without any incentives - including the use of natural gas, a historically low cost item.  When the added incentive or rebate is calculated into the ROI formula, the payback is lowered to a remarkable 23 months.  Who wouldn’t be excited by that kind of return on investment? 


    Beyond the obvious bottom line impact that is described above, any smart operator will also understand the benefits of replacing aged and tired VOC abatement equipment with new state-of-the-art equipment.  New controls and interface allow a better understanding of process operational characteristics so you can maximize the efficiency of your process.  New innovative features such as Predictive Analytics provide the operator’s maintenance team advanced warning of potential problems.  New equipment allows your entire team focus on your process, profits and keeping your customers happy. 

    Let's see what we can do for your company - Contact CPI for more details 

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    Topics: Maintenance and Repairs, Environmental and Regulatory, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Blog, Rebates

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