The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) General Industry fall protection regulations for new fixed ladders go into effect on November 19, 2018. Under OSHA’s standards for Walking-Working Surfaces (29 CFR 1910 Subpart D), requirements around fixed ladders have been redefined and cages are phasing out as acceptable fall protection.
Fixed ladders provide stability when ascending to an elevated work surface because they are fastened to the building or a secure surface. In the past, OSHA required cages for ladders more than 20 feet above a lower level, but as of January 2017, fall protection is required on ladders taller than (or that extend beyond) 24 feet. The revised ruling establishes a phase out of ladder wells and cages allowing general industry workplaces some time to transition.
Thermal and Catalytic oxidizers typically includes ladders for oxidizer and exhaust stack access, for either maintenance or testing purposes.
Here are the implementation details:
- New height requirement: Fall protection is required on ladders taller than (or that extend beyond 24’)
- Existing ladders: Each fixed ladder installed before November 19, 2018 must be equipped with a personal fall arrest system, ladder safety system, cage, or well (1910.28(b)(9)(i)(A))
- New fixed ladders: Each fixed ladder erected on or after November 19, 2018 must be equipped with a personal fall arrest system or a ladder safety system (1910.28(b)(9)(i)(B))
- Repair and replacement: When a fixed ladder, cage, or well, or any portion of a section, is replaced, a personal fall arrest system or ladder safety system must be installed in at least that section of the fixed ladder, cage, or well where the replacement is (1910.28(b)(9)(i)(C))
- Final deadline: On or after November 19, 2036, cages will no longer be accepted as a form of fall protection, and all fixed ladders taller than (or that extend beyond) 24’ must be equipped with a personal fall arrest system or a ladder safety system (1910.28(b)(9)(i)(D))
Catalytic Products International (CPI) can help you meet the new fixed ladder standards for your existing or future air pollution control equipment such as thermal and catalytic oxidizers or exhaust stacks. Please contact CPI to help evaluate your compliance with the fall protection regulations for fixed ladders and find the best solution for your needs.
Click here to view a fact sheet from OHSA providing more information on this rule.