Internet research and shopping has risen substantially over the past five years, and it will only continue to grow. Searching for a pizza place? Easy. You can customize and define your search by including “Chicago Style,” “Deep Dish,” or maybe “Gluten Free.” This will narrow down the results, helping you find what you asked for. This is a simple process, because you know exactly what you are looking for. You pick a restaurant, order your pizza, and maybe even write a review to help other shoppers find the perfect place to eat. Don’t get me wrong – the internet is fantastic! It is, however, limited to responding to the search terms that we input.

How Does This Apply to Air Pollution Control?
Finding the right air pollution control technology requires more than just entering a few words into a search engine. Here's an example of how not knowing the right questions to ask can lead to results that don't meet your needs. A chemical processing company had purchased a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) from one of CPI's competitors. RTOs are well known for their low natural gas usage. The low operating cost combined with what seemed to be the best technology was thought to be the ideal solution. But while this vendor had the ability to provide a RTO to the client – it was the only option they had to offer.
Unfortunately, the solution that was installed was less than ideal. The client’s application had solvent loading spikes and changes in air volumes. These conditions created numerous high-temperature shutdowns, as well as high stack volatile organic compound (VOC) concentrations. This required the client to report a “non-compliance event” to the state EPA office each time their Continuous Emission Monitor (CEM) recorded a high VOC concentration.
Our Engineering team sat down with the customer to review their overall process. Upon completion of our engineering study, it was determined that the existing RTO was not capable of allowing continuous VOC destruction across the wide range of conditions the client's process delivered to the RTO.
Catalytic Products International recommended the use of a different technology altogether. By combining our VECTOR Catalytic Oxidizer with a high efficiency primary heat exchanger and a fully modulating hot gas bypass, the system now operates at +99% DRE (destruction rate efficiency) even during the highest VOC inlet loading. On top of that, the VECTOR catalytic oxidizer system uses less natural gas than the regenerative thermal oxidizer. This custom engineered design provides 100% reliability, and the reportable non-compliant events have been eliminated.
Figuring out which air pollution control technology is right for you is not a simple as ordering gluten free, deep dish, Chicago style pizza. At CPI, we offer the engineering expertise to ensure that we provide the best solution for your business, not just what you asked for.
Contact us to review your application today:
At Catalytic Products International, we work to make sure that our customers have the best solutions to their air pollution remediation needs and that they have the knowledge to continue to meet these needs as they grow and change.
For more examples of how our expertise helps our clients find success, please read our Customer Testimonials.