CPI Installs Thermal Oxidizer for VOC Control of Engine Dynamometer Test Cells

    The worlds largest automotive manufacturer recently installed our QUADRANT SR-Series Thermal Oxidizer to destroy CO and VOC emissions from the exhaust generated by an engine dyno test cell facility. The test facility houses several engine, transmission, and chassis dynamometer’s for gasoline and diesel testing. The manufacturer demanded a system that would provide the highest uptime reliability and highest performance.

    The QUADRANT SR-Series Thermal Oxidizer was chosen as the most appropriate air pollution control system after a thorough analysis of the engine cell off-gas concluded that high inlet temperatures, high LEL, and wide range in air volumes would be delivered to the oxidizer.

    The design and installation of the QUADRANT SR-8,000 Thermal Oxidizer incorporates the following: CPI’s unique FLOATING TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER that does not use any expansion joints; CPI’s unique sub-stoichemetric burner and combustion tube providing high VOC/CO destruction with lower NOx emissions than traditional systems; A user-friendly controls interface system that manages all the components and records specific data for use with Title V record keeping and interacts with the sophisticated dynamometer controls of this plant; A low profile – modular design to accommodate an indoor mezzanine level installation that could be lifted through existing door ways;  High quality insulation to keep the shell temperatures low as to not effect HVAC of the area; and +99% DRE at 1,400 F allowing the unit to exceed the local air quality requirements at minimal expense.

    For more information about this or any of our other custom engineered solutions, please contact us.

    Topics: VOC Emissions, Thermal Oxidizer, Automotive Industry, Case Studies, Heat Exchanger, Installation, Engine Dyno Test Cell

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