Many pollutants, both natural and synthetic, are gaseous in nature and require specific technology to effectively remove the pollutant from an exhaust or process gas stream. Gaseous industrial pollutants can include:
Posted by Jan Carlson
May 16, 2016 2:33:40 PM
Many pollutants, both natural and synthetic, are gaseous in nature and require specific technology to effectively remove the pollutant from an exhaust or process gas stream. Gaseous industrial pollutants can include:
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Environmental and Regulatory, Blog
Many pollutants, both natural and synthetic, are gaseous in nature and require specific technology to effectively remove the pollutant from an exhaust or process gas stream. Gaseous industrial pollutants can include:
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Environmental and Regulatory, Blog
Posted by Jan Carlson
Apr 29, 2016 3:38:25 PM
Ammonia (NH3) is one of the most commonly produced industrial chemicals in the United States. It is used in industry and commerce, and it also exists naturally in humans and in the environment. Ammonia is essential for many biological processes and serves as a precursor for amino acid and nucleotide synthesis. In the environment, ammonia is part of the nitrogen cycle and is produced in soil from bacterial processes. Ammonia is also produced naturally from decomposition of organic matter, including plants, animals, and animal wastes.
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Environmental and Regulatory, Blog, Ammonia
Many pollutants, both natural and synthetic, are gaseous in nature and require specific technology to effectively remove the pollutant from an exhaust or process gas stream. Gaseous industrial pollutants can include:
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Environmental and Regulatory, Blog, Activated Carbon
Posted by Jan Carlson
Apr 7, 2016 2:39:01 PM
In our previous post we discussed what air pollution is and why anyone may need a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO). In this post we explore more details about various RTO designs and describe the operating principles.
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Environmental and Regulatory, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Blog
Many pollutants, both natural and synthetic, are gaseous in nature and require specific technology to effectively remove the pollutant from an exhaust or process gas stream. Gaseous industrial pollutants can include:
Topics: Air Pollution Control, Environmental and Regulatory, Blog, Acid Gas Scrubber
Posted by Jan Carlson
Mar 22, 2016 4:35:02 PM
Our first encounters with our customers often start with this statement; “I was told that I need a RTO.” That’s obviously a big statement which usually leads to many more questions to precisely determine where we can help. This also means that the person with interest has some sort of air pollution control problem that may involve volatile organic compounds (VOC), carbon monoxide (CO) or odorous emissions.
It may be helpful to understand the basic reason anyone would need a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO).Topics: Air Pollution Control, Environmental and Regulatory, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Blog
Posted by Jan Carlson
Mar 14, 2016 12:44:25 PM
If you haven’t had a Title V permit, but one may be in your future, you may wonder what’s in store. In this post, we’ll take a look at the Title V permit program, which has been a feature of environmental regulation in the United States for over twenty years.
Topics: Air Pollution Control, VOC Emissions, Environmental and Regulatory, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Thermal Oxidizer, Blog
Posted by Jan Carlson
Mar 2, 2016 4:16:27 PM
Performing an Energy Assessment
A web coating company contacted us to repair, yet again, an existing recuperative thermal oxidizer. Catalytic Products Design Engineers sat down with the customer to discuss their current process and as well as their future needs along with performing an energy assessment. The outcome of this review indicated that significant savings could be recognized by replacing the Recuperative Thermal Oxidizer with a new Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO).
Read our case study for more details.
Topics: Maintenance and Repairs, Environmental and Regulatory, Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer, Blog, Rebates
With today's stringent air emission control policies and regulations, keeping your industrial facility compliant can be challenging. At Catalytic Products International we understand air emissions control is a vital component of sustainability for companies in varied industries. Our systems have helped companies reduce airborne emissions of VOC's totaling an excess of 10,000 tons in the last year alone.
Topics: Environmental and Regulatory, Blog
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